Wednesday, July 11, 2007

what's our problem?

"[King] David's problem (yours and mine too!) isn't that we commit individual acts of sin. The problem is that we have a constitutional propensity to sin. What we need most isn't a new lifestyle, but new life! Not new habits, but a new heart! And what hope is there for this?" - Sam Storms

In his most recent post, Storms nicely unpacks Psalm 51. Storms claims this Psalm is for:

  • those who have never come to grips with the horror of human sin and the magnitude of divine grace
  • those who think some people are too high or too holy to fall
  • those who think that once you have fallen, you can never get back up again
  • those who think that if you have fallen and have actually gotten back up, perhaps even forgiven, you are still useless from that point on both to God and the church
Do you fit in one of these categories? Read this Psalm along with Storms' analysis for a clear picture of repentance and redemption.

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