Wednesday, July 11, 2007

a little leaven

I found an interesting site, A Little Leaven, today via a link to my blog. They are a typical watchdog site - except they have some funny stuff. In the particular post that linked to me, they were concerned that the baptism scene from Nacho Libre was not suitable material for a Sunday morning sermon.

I'm not sure how many people would do that but I wonder why they see it as not suitable? They didn't actually say.

I'd be more inclined to say that the issue isn't one of suitability but more of whether it helps understand the Scripture. I might be tempted to use it just to show how misunderstanding Scripture can lead to weirdness (and yes sin).

One of their commenters spotted my post of the Nacho Libre baptism scene. I'm not sure why this person thought it important to note that. For me, I just thought parts of the movie was funny. I wasn't trying to make a theological statement at the time.

Today they posted this one on "christian" playing cards. While they are right in the overwhelming amount of christian cheese out there, I think some folks, e.g., Dan Phillips, might enjoy the cigars with Bible verse wrappers.

Anyway, I don't get is how these guys jump to their Seeker Sensitive poke? Are they ignorant enough to think that this is the product of those that ascribe to the Seeker Sensitive concept of doing Sunday mornings? That's the problem with these self-proclaimed watchdogs - they seem free to spout out anything as if it were true. Sad.

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