Sunday, March 18, 2007

what is spirituality?

In The New Super-Spirituality, Francis Schaeffer writes:
Christianity is not only intellectual, nor is it only your cultural responsibility. Christianity is being born again on the basis of the finished work of Christ, His substitutionary death in space-time history. Christianity is the reality of communion with God in the present life; it is the understanding that there is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit; it is the understanding that there is the moment-by-moment empowering of the Holy Spirit. Christianity is the understanding that the fruit of the Spirit is "love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meakness, temperance." It is the understanding that the fruit of the Spirit is meant to mean something real to all Christians. It is the understanding that prayer is real and not just a devotional exercise. (...) we must stress that Christ is Lord of the whole man, not just Lord of the soul. He is Lord of the intellect and Lord of the body. He means us to affirm life and not negate life. Such is the ideal. May God show us the living balance and help us to live, by his grace, in that balance.

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