Sunday, March 18, 2007

what is evangelism?

In Leading Your Church To Growth, C. P. Wagner said:
To evangelize is to present Christ Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit that men and women shall come to put their trust in God through Him, to accept Him as their Savior, and serve Him as their King in the fellowship of His church. This ties commitment to Christ with commitment to the church. God's will is clear... He wants men and women everywhere to come to Him and into the church of Jesus Christ.
I love this definition because in addition to noting the power of the Gospel to transfer us from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light, it highlights the point that this new Kingdom is one of community.

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1 comment:

  1. I often think that many definitions of evangelism focus only on getting to a decision point -- to follow Christ.

    What is lacking in many is the follow up process of discipleship. While evangelism is not the same as discipleship, definitions of evangelism should point to it -- like getting people connected to a local church and back into service to the world.

    I enjoy this disucssion on evangelism.

    MJ's point is correct in one aspect in that evangelism has been equated to church growth thru marketing. I've been to several "evangelism" conferences that focus on nothing but marketing your church. The idea being that marketing will create a magnetism to your church, where people will come and hopefully both SEE (actions) and HEAR (word) the gospel preached. Marketing is but a step towards evangelism, but not evangelism in and of itself.

    I also think that you are right in that its an invitation to know God thru Christ. Tellign stories of God's love in your life with the goal of inviting others to know that same love.

    With regards to the PCUSA quote, i'm not sure they are defining evangelism, but rather defining their role as a denominational council in how to carry out evangelism from Louisville. The PUCSA has a great definition of evangelism already.

    Pastor Chris
