Saturday, February 10, 2007

who are you trying to please?

I was trolling David Hayward's blog this morning and found a lot of good stuff. Some of it so good that I just have to post here in hopes that more of the world will benefit from the insight.

In regard to pleasing everybody, Hayward quotes Alexander Liberman from The Artists In His Studio ...

An artist, as Malraux said of Goya, ‘discovers his genius the day he dares not to please'.
I share Hayward's insight that working to please people results in disaster. I've led the path to disaster far too many times in my life. I am just beginning the path of learning from this.

Clearly my life and my effectiveness in the Kingdom improves as I recognize that my sole love, God Almighty, is the One whom I need to focus on. True genius is found when we learn not to please others save God. In serving Him, the natural outcome is to serve His creation - people, animals, the earth.

I was reflecting on that as I prepare this morning (with temperatures in the low 20's °F) to go to our weekly service project. I suppose we will be outside most of the time and it will be real cold. I wonder if those that we are serving will appreciate what we intend to do for them today? I hope so. But I don't do this for me, for the others serving with us, or even for those being served. When a creation of God humbles themselves to place others first, we honor God by reflecting Christ. When a creation of God is edified and built-up by another, God is honored because one of His creations is cared for. Both sides of this activity brings God glory.

I've noted in previous posts that I'm not into PETA, nor do I buy into Global Warming, etc.. Yet at the same time, every creature and all of creation is God's and we were given dominion not to destroy but to care for His creation. It is the role of Satan to destroy. Ours is to build up and care for.

The same is true in our personal relations, our "church work", etc.. This attitude is what will prevent the coffee pot debates.

If we keep our focus on pleasing God, I think all things come into place. Only when we elevate someone or something above Him - or, when we get so busy we just don't see God - does disaster result. Lord, let me see your Kingdom today. I don't want to do anything You are not doing.

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