Wednesday, February 07, 2007

closed canon fodder

Oh no ... fifteen years and John MacArthur is back pounding an old drum. Apparently he hasn't figured out that Charismatic Chaos has been thoroughly thrashed. His assumptions of Charismatics is wrong, his logic is flawed, and his interpretation of Scripture is questionable. Yet he continues. The only point [exaggeration] he is correct on is that CANON IS CLOSED. We all agree. I'm not clear why he keeps insisting we don't.

Canon being closed and personal revelation not being needed does not equate to God withdrawing His gifts and going silent. In Scripture, God being silent wasn't considered a good thing, I'm not sure why some people seem to long for that. Somehow they believe the gift of teaching is the only one God left and they have become His sole mouthpiece - other teachers that disagree with them are not. Hmmm ...

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  1. yeah... you're telling me Rick. Do you think I'm stupid to even try to argue with these people?

    It is sad to me that they don't even review their own arguments in light of everything that has been said. Right now I'm hoping I don't have to change my beliefs based on Eph 2! I sincerely hope that they are capable of doing the same.

  2. Hey Robert - your comments are excellent. They demonstrate spiritual and emotional maturity - qualities often found lacking ... especially in people trolling the internet.

    I think I demonstrated some nastiness toward Mac that should have been avoided but I was emphasizing the point that the Pyro folks like to make, which is, "how many times do I have to repeat this argument?" They think they have the corner on this.

    I think you and Nate Busenitz are offering some fresh perspective on both sides. The others simply are repeating the same old song and dance.

    Like politics, I wouldn't expect anyone that has spent a reasonable amount of time thinking/praying through this to change their position based on some simple argument on the internet no matter how well it is presented.

    On the other hand, the majority of folks are out there mindlessly accepting what the read. It is good that they see at least one dissenting voice.

    Keep up the good work.

    Re: Eph 2- I still like Grudem's argument but either way, I don't think it matters. Agreeing that Apostles and Prophets ceased doesn't equate to the end of those functions, let's spell them with lower case "a" and "p". Nor does it mean that the gifts those offices exercised ceased.

    I found the argument excellent in that it challenged my prior understanding of the passage but it in no wise effected my understanding of charismata.

  3. Thanks for the encouragement Rick. I do hope all my commenting there has some impact.

    I agree with your take on Eph 2, perhaps I will eventually have to retreat to that if Nate can demonstrate that the office of apostle has ceased. Which I guess really wouldn't be that bad, although I'm always bummed to give up anything that is mentioned in Scripture.
