Wednesday, February 07, 2007

baptism ala nacho libre

As you know, I'm an advocate of believer's baptism by immersion. Nacho Libre is my hero.

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  1. By the way, that is definitely an awesome clip from Nacho Libre. What a great film.

  2. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I have yet to see the film. This has inspired me to watch it this weekend.

    thanks Rick, and I'm sure my wife thanks you also. lol

  3. I'd say it's worth watching. There are several funny scenes. Unfortunately the overall story line wasn't funny (to me). But I laughed out loud more than once ... not the milk coming out your nose kind of laugh but still, it was a good laugh.

  4. Anonymous12:06 PM

    If it's possible to baptize people against their will, then why don't we just bless the rain and everyone will be saved? The answer is simple; because it doesn't work that way. This movie clip is a really good example of baptizing someone against their will. Wait, come to think of it, infant baptism is the best example.
