Wednesday, January 10, 2007

overcoming evil

John Piper writes the following based on 1 Jn 2.12-14;

In the Bible, God speaks to us, and in prayer, we speak to him. And the two are interdependent in their effectiveness. The Scripture teaches us to pray and shows us what to pray and how to pray and tells us the basis for prayer and fills us with encouragement that God hears our prayers. And prayer applies the Scriptures to ourselves and others. It turns the word into prayer, and it pleads for help from God in understanding the meaning of the word and living the word. So prayer and the word are interdependent in the way they help us be conformed to the image of Christ.
We learn that we have victory through the Word and that comes in two areas:

  1. The Victory of the Word over Satan’s Accusation
  2. The Victory of the Word over Satan’s Temptation
The full sermon can be read here.

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