Tuesday, January 09, 2007

migrating from google to apple

Since moving to the Apple Mac world, I'm still trying to decide which stuff is cooler. I've become hooked on Gmail for my email (I really like their spam filter) and address book, Google Reader for reading RSS feeds, and Del.icio.us for my bookmarking. On the other hand I dislike not having access to stuff on the rare occasion when I do not have internet access or when one of these systems is down.

Also, I really hate that Gmail does not have text editing features in Safari.

I've decided to give the OSX Mail program a try. Getting my Gmail to come into Mail was easy enough. But the Address Book was a different story. To get that to work I had to turn to Address Book Importer. The web was full of other ideas but none of them bore fruit. Anyway, success - I seem to be up and running.

For bookmarking, that's a tough one. I think I still like Del.icio.us but for "security", I'd like them stored locally. I found a nifty little bit of software for that called delicious2safari. It works like a dream.

All of this gives me everything I want locally on my Mac and still provides an internet server from which I can work on the rare occasions I only have my Windows computer with me. I guess the only downside is I need to keep up addresses in two systems (or check out maintaining these in Address Book and exporting to Gmail - something for another time).

That only leaves me with reading RSS. I really like the built in functionality of Safari but then I don't have them with my Windows computer. I'll have to decide if that is worth it or not. Right now, not.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:44 AM

    maybe this is what paul was talking about as the thorn in his side. oh the trials.
