Friday, January 05, 2007

kentucky fried cruelty

While I dislike PETA and I wouldn't have Pam Anderson be my spokesperson for anything, this video gave me cause to stop and think. Now I'm not going to boycott KFC and I'm not going to hop on the save the world eco-wagon that a lot of Emergents seem to be on, I think that it is unacceptable for us to treat God's creation in the manner it appears to be in this video.

So what do you think? What is our role in treating creation in a way that honors the Creator without turning into a whacko?

PS - I did not order the vegetarian starter kit. If God didn't want us to eat animals, He wouldn't have made them out of meat.

PSS - And while I do not promote Bob & Tom, they said something this morning that made my drink come out my nose, "it's not that he loves too much , it's how he loves that gives him trouble with PETA".

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  1. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I really hope you are joking when you indicate that you are taking this stuff seriously. The video does the same thing you hate in the Pyro bunch. I grew up on a farm that raised a lot of chickens. First of all, chickens are the animal that brought about the name "birdbrain". (I think that is why they used Pamela Anderson as their spokesperson, but that's another story.) Chickens are about as close to a rock as you can get. I'm not really concerned about protecting the social lives of chickens or if they can recognize their friends. Then, all animals (including humans) jerk for a while after being killed. Have you never heard of "running around like a chicken with its head cut off"? The dead chicken feels absolutely nothing. It is not in pain. I'm sure we shouldn't inflict pain on animals needlessly or for entertainment, but how is that different from hunting? Cows are shot in the head prior to being slaughtered. I can't believe you were suckered in by this liberal drivel. The part about cutting off the beaks was really a joke. That procedure is healed up by the end of the day. It is done to keep chickens from picking at each other. (Have you heard of "pecking order"?) It is something that protects chickens not hurts them. It is no more serious than ear piercing, and much less serious than circumcision (or breast implants--getting back to Pamela Anderson).

  2. no blog - the answer is both yes and no. While I'm not too concerned about chickens, about KFC's practices, etc., it does bother me that someone would through an animal, stomp on them, kick them, etc. as seen on the video.

    Hope that makes sense.

  3. Hmmm. I'm not really used to watching Pamela Anderson isn't working for me anyway. I'm concerned more about the treatment of animals as it pertains to our health. Poor treatment of the animals to be eaten most often results in poor nutritional value. Chicken should be free to roam and not penned up being fed toxic soy and all 'food' destructive to the chicken's health and ours. I found Randy's comment very interesting and informative. May I be so bold as to recommend PBS's The Natural History of the Chicken. It is simply excellent and I know you won't regret it.
