Thursday, January 04, 2007

the four needs

In The Missional Value of Christian Care, David A. Paap offers The Four Needs.

  1. Spirituality: helping people experience Jesus and his saving power in their lives
  2. Community: helping people experience Jesus in one other, giving them the sense that they are connected to a “body”—a loving community—as well as to the Creator and Sustainer of all things
  3. Care: helping people experience Jesus in their pain and suffering— when many people are most clearly in need of the gospel and most open to God’s presence and the healing, saving power of Jesus
  4. Service: helping people experience meaning, purpose, and significance by participating in Jesus’ mission in the world and being involved in something that is not only bigger than themselves, but also life-transforming and enduring.
The value of which is evidenced in the following:

  • Rehabilitating wounded soldiers
  • Capitalizing on common, untapped gifts
  • Reaching hurting people
  • The genius of the "AND"
  • Incarnating the love of Jesus
If you're not involved in a small group community, get in one.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:41 PM

    no doubt thats missional alright
