Monday, October 23, 2006

vineyard music trivia

I'm in the process of getting all my "stuff" on new MacBook Pro. In doing so I'm converting all my Vineyard Music CD's to mp3 format. I must have a gazillion songs. I also have my Songbase software up and running in MSWindows inside of Parallels - it's working pretty good. I noticed I have over 4000 songs catalogued.

Anyway, in the process, I came across this fun little trivia page. If you think you know Vineyard music, give it a shot.

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  1. Anonymous2:47 PM

    How many of the 4000 are legal?
    Randy (no blog)

  2. 100% of the SongBase songs. In my iTunes library, I have just under 6000 and I'd say 95% are paid for although it is debatable if that matters for the 15% or so that came from allofmp3.

    And before you ask, this is typed from a computer that is 100% legal on all software.

  3. Anonymous1:18 AM

    hi rick, i am in the process of trying to get songbase transfered to my macbook pro through parallels as well. when i go to install songbase keeps asking me to instal the Windows Media Player. i have the latest version of WMP and am a little stumped. unfortunatly there's not a whole lot of people doing this so any help would be appreciated. did your just work, or did you have any problems. thanks alot!

  4. yes - i was required to update my WMP. I currently have version 11.0.5705.5043

    it worked fine after that so i have disabled all further update on that plus windows in general.

    i'm not too tech savvy but you can email me at rianniello@gmail if you have other questions

  5. Anonymous5:28 PM

    thanks alot, even though it said i had the latest update, i deleted WMP, and downloaded it from Microsoft's website this morning and it worked!! Thanks very much! it helped knowing someone out there had done it! now just to figure out suprisingly complex songbase! God Bless!

  6. Anonymous5:28 PM

    thanks alot, even though it said i had the latest update, i deleted WMP, and downloaded it from Microsoft's website this morning and it worked!! Thanks very much! it helped knowing someone out there had done it! now just to figure out suprisingly complex songbase! God Bless!
