Monday, October 23, 2006

thank you

In his recent sermon about money, Matt Massey referenced Ray Boltz's song Thank You. I know it's sappy. I know that Boltz wore a mullet and wore a fanny-pack. But I still cry every time I hear that song. Am I alone?

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  1. Anonymous4:24 PM


  2. Jesus wept - Jn 11.35 - He foreknew that Boltz would sing this song ...

  3. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Hey Rick. I am from a Dayton Suburb. Good to see another Ohio bloke in these parts. After a pilgrimage to Texas for several years, I attend a college in Kentucky. My point?

    People from Ohio really judge every other state to Ohio.

    I have no point.

    Grace and Peace, Steven

  4. it's good to see that i'm not the only one that does not always have a point ... thanks for dropping by ...
