Saturday, April 22, 2006

antique shopping

Big day today - Barb and I went antique shopping near Kaiserslautern (Euro Antiques, Ramstein Antik-Centre, Luc's Antiques, and Freddy's Antiques) . We had a great time, saw some cool stuff, and managed not to spend anything ... well almost, we got a small amount of Polish pottery (collecting that stuff is like a cult for the American women here).

I needed the time with her. She brings refreshing into my life. I have been feeling very frustrated lately. If you read this blog, you know we are preparing to move to the US at the end of June. Last week we went to the US for some house hunting. It was successful in terms of finding a house but I am tired both physically and emotionally from the trip. We looked 30+ houses, tons of furniture, cars, etc.. It was just a bit overwhelming to make a large purchase decision like that compounded by the time zone effect on our sleep.

Anyway, the house is great but of course it is at the upper end of our price range. I got back this past week to find that the interest rates had gone up. Then yesterday our landlord went through our current place and is claiming a large amount of damages. Some were caused by us and I was prepared for that but most were pre-existing or a result of poor quality materials/workmanship in the building leading to early failure. So there's that to deal with...

I also had a work surprise this week. One of the guys working for me is going out of work effective immediately for an indefinite period of time so I have to come up with a plan to cover his work (high travel type of work).

On top of all of this, I have to support some items at church that frankly my heart just isn't behind. I suppose they are right to do but I would have pursued a different path if I was staying here longer. Now the effort is one that I'm not really aligned to and because of the above, I simply do not have the time for.

I feel I need some cheese to go with all of this whining. So where is this going, ah yes, it was really good to have some time with my best friend today. She is special and can make me smile in any circumstance. I am blessed to have such a wonderful life partner.

So now I am off to thank God for her. I also need to read 2 Peter. My friend Sergei will be leading our small group Bible study tomorrow and he has high standards when discussing the Bible. I love him for that.

It's the last one for Julie and him before they move to Pennsylvania. We will miss them greatly. Fine ... now I'm getting sad again ... I better go read and pray.


  1. Anonymous5:53 PM

    We love you Rick and are going to miss you and Barb and the Yokefellows group more than you can image! You are in our prayers and often in our thoughts too, all positive of course, and always bringing a smile to our faces. Please come to the 'Burgh' sometime and visit us. : - ) UR, J & S

  2. Thanks! Although I know there is a "cloud of witnesses" cheering me on, it is helpful to know that there are some here on earth doing the same. Thank you for building me up in Christ and challenging me to be what He has died for me to be.
