Saturday, April 22, 2006

another canadian blog

My friend Shannon now has her own blog. I like her so I'm sure I will like her blog. Pay her a visit and make a comment.

Now I just have to get my dad and Wince's dad to make a blog. My dad because he is an email forwarding junkie - one of those guys that likes to email everything that he finds interesting on the internet (those of you that know someone like this understands what I'm talking about) and Wince's dad because he is one of those guys trolling the blogs of others and commenting like a mad man - as opposed to just blogging like a mad man.

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  1. Anonymous3:02 AM

    hi rick,

    i´m sure i understand exactly what you´re talking about. if my father would have lived long enough, he would have become an email forwarding junkie too. but because he went to heaven before the rise of the internet, he was an oral tradition junkie. whenever he found anything interesting, he made sure that we did not lack that inspiring information.

    blessings to you and your dad, haso

  2. Haso has learned well from his father. Through this simple story he has reminded me that instead of focusing on the easily dealt with email overload, I can cherish the value in the gift of still having my father with us.

    thank you!

  3. Anonymous5:52 PM

    I work at an ISP (Internet Service Provider). It's a dial-up service, and many of our users live WAY out in the sticks. So they have a very slow phone line. Much of my workday is spent unclogging e-mail for people. Almost always their mailbox is clogged with messages that have been forwarded around the world many times already. You know, the jokes, stories, fluffy poems, etc. We all get them. Normally they are sent from people on high-speed lines and can be over 20Mb.

    I've found something very odd about Internet users. They all hate to get this stuff...but most people send it. Also, everyone has at least one friend/relative who is the biggest offender, and the recepient is afraid to tell them to stop. Hear this everyone--Stop it!

    Here are two suggestions. 1. Turn on the "size" column in your e-mail program if it isn't already displayed. Don't forward mail to people on dial-up lines that is over 100kb. 2. If the message has a smiley face in it, let it die with you. Don't forward it.

    Randy B. (you know, the guy without his own blog)

  4. i am at my dad's home way down south and i have figured out why he doesn't have a blog yet. he is one of those guys that he describes as living "way out in the sticks." if he had his own blog it would take 11 hours to upload a paragraph that started " my opinion"

    here are some rules that i think blog companies should start enforcing.

    1. if you have a blog - use it. if you don't use it for one week it will automatically self-destruct.

    2. if you don't have a blog you cannot comment more than one sentence on any other blog more than once a week.

    3. if you have a blog you cannot post a controversial comment on another blog until you have first posted something about it on your own blog.

    4. if you have a blog YOU MUST NOT log in as anonymous to post something you would not say to the persons face.

    5. randy b. must get his own blog
