Saturday, March 25, 2006

more confronting

Now here's what grabs me...
Phil Johnson - "Ryle's words here offer some much-needed advice that certain nominally-evangelical bishops [NT Wright] ministering in the morass of modern and post-modern Anglicanism would do well to heed." And then quotes Ryle warning against throwing out Scripture and making defective statements about Scripture.

Dan Phillips - "What Wright says about anastasis is just wonderful, right-on. His defense of the eyewitness character of the Gospels, and his broadsides at Bultmann and his ilk -- simply delightful. But then it comes down to some "touchy" issues, and he waffles, is diffident, double-spoken, tepid." And then goes on warning about failing to boldly uphold the truth.
As I read these posts, both contain excellent thought and warnings that we should heed. But the Johnson article continues in a venomous line of attacks against Wright while the Phillips article spoke with general regard without compromising the warning.

I have to honestly say, the more I read Johnson, the more I question the man's heart (I know...). There are several Phil Johnson's out there and frankly they are doing a great damage to the body of Christ. I originally had "Johnson and MacArthur" but I'm beginning to wonder how much of MacArthur's ranting is his versus his editor Johnson's. Who is influencing whom, I do not know.

The Phillips article ends with "If you and I are not striving to be genuine Christians fulltime and everywhere, will we be genuine Christians anytime, or anywhere?" Excellent!

And Johnson, well...he just doesn't end.

So - do not compromise the Word of truth. Proclaim it boldly. And do it in a manner that is worthy of the high call of Christ our Lord.

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