Friday, March 24, 2006

how to confront

If you are not a blog comment reader, some of the comments here are getting good. So that it is not lost in the comments, here is one from my friend Randy (ok Brits - stop laughing) that I'd like to pull forward and respond to.
I'm sure we have discussed this before, but what would be your comments on the responsibility of church leaders to protect the flock and use the ministry of discernment? How should a church leader react to popular ministry that is often seen on TV such as Benny Hinn? How should a leader guard the flock from preaching that seems very attractive such as with much of what Schuller and Osteen preach? Or even worse, how does a church leader guard against those who prey on "weak women" such as Mormons and JW's? I agree that a ministry that is chiefly focused on criticizing others is skewed, but how do we practice discernment, and pass that discernment on to those under our care?
The bumper sticker answer is "irrigate your own lawn". Weeds take over where there is no grass or where it is weak. Build on the truth. Don't leave people hungry for anything other than more of the truth. Etc.. To really do this we need orthodoxy, orthopraxy, and orthopathy (right doctrine, right practice, and right motive).

But since that may sound too "emergent" (i.e., avoiding the question) for the pundits, I think that in addition to feeding the sheep (irrigating the lawn), we must confront error and do so up front and public. But there is a right way and a wrong way. John Piper demonstrates the right way. We need to be uncompromising. We need to be specific. We need to not address straw men but rather make an honest effort to properly represent the other side. I've read some stuff about my "ilk" that is not true about what we believe and then the attacks were against those points. I've read characterizations where we have been grouped in with others that are in fact different. I've read attacks on our motives rather than our specific statements, behaviors, or more important the fruit of our ministry. Personally when I see that, I think these watchdogs are helping their flock become poor Christians.

Randy and I had a Mormon friend back in the old factory. I did not know much about his faith other than I thought that it was wrong and that they wore special underwear (Randy pointed that out to me - ask him how he knew). I took an article to the man that explained what Mormons believe and contrasted that to orthodox Christianity. The man read it, he was not offended by what was said about Mormons, in fact he said that was one of the best summaries of his faith that he had read. He just did not agree with the orthodox Christian position. Now that is the way to confront.

I hope that gets at it.

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