Thursday, March 23, 2006

mclaren worship

In an open letter to songwriters, Brian McLaren encourages the following:
  1. more eschatology - that is, more of the Biblical vision of God's future
  2. more mission oriented - that is, less consumerism (me, me, me) and more realization that the church exists for the world
  3. rediscover historic Christian spirituality - we have a rich heritage and we do not always have to reinvent
  4. more songs simply about God - 'nough said
  5. more songs of lament - we should not continue to ignore this aspect of ourselves (although this is a hard one in the cooperate setting since not everyone present may feel lament nor is called to feel it at any particular moment)
I like what's happening in the current worship "scene" and these suggestions would only improve that.

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