Wednesday, March 22, 2006

amazon had it right

They had it right the first time...

Amazon Says Technology, Not Ideology, Skewed Results last week modified its search engine after an abortion rights organization complained that search results appeared skewed toward anti-abortion books. Until a few days ago, a search of Amazon's catalog of books using the word "abortion" turned up pages with the question, "Did you mean adoption?" at the top, followed by a list of books related to abortion. [more]


  1. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I thought it was offensive," said the Rev. James Lewis, a retired Episcopalian minister in Charleston, W.Va. "It represented an editorial position on their part."

    This type of censorship- especially by a company who has the motto "do no evil" is utterly unconscionable.
    Amazon removed this because of one complaint- how would they react to 1000 complaints against market censorship?

  2. I reread the post and realized my comment may not have been at risk of redundancy, "they had it right by recommending adoption."
