Saturday, July 20, 2013

sexual compatibility

Hafeez Booku on True Sexual Compatibility:
From the many conversations I've had with those who are happily married with healthy, God-honoring sex lives, I've learned that true sexual compatibility, if we must call it that, happens when two people commit themselves first to God, and then to each other. This covenant commitment affords an opportunity for a husband and wife to unconditionally serve and love the way Jesus loves his bride, the church (Eph. 5:22-33). Marriage is a journey in which two incompatible, selfish sinners learn to become one. There will thus be multiple things—including sex—that both parties will have to figure out together along the way.

Desiring a healthy and vibrant sex life in marriage is a good and even wise thing. But for the Christian it's not ultimate. As a single Christian man, I desire a spiritually healthy marriage before a sexually healthy one, though I trust the former encourages the latter. Therefore, I'm willing to trust God and wait, not because I want to have the most euphoric wedding night with someone I'm perfectly sexually compatible with, but because I want a healthy, God-honoring marriage after the wedding night with the person to whom I've just committed my life.
Read the rest here.

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