Friday, July 19, 2013


Evangelism - it doesn't have to be complex. Five tips by Jake Chambers:
  1. PRAYER IS EVANGELISM I cannot save anyone’s soul. God’s word says my role is to sow seeds and that only God can grow this seed. This means my role is to share the gospel and pray. Pray to the one who can actually save souls. We are learning to devote ourselves to prayer.
  2. SOW SEEDS LIBERALLY If my role is to sow seeds by sharing the gospel than I should be sowing seeds as often as possible. We can often cling to gospel seeds as if we only have one per year and try waiting for the perfect moment, with the perfect person, at the perfect time to share the gospel. However, we are free to plant hundreds of seeds. We can share the gospel as often as possible, with as many people as possible—coworkers, classmates, strangers, friends, neighbors, family, etc. This is seed sowing, so sow aggressively!
  3. INVITE PEOPLE TO GATHERINGS God is present amongst his people and the preaching of the word. Let’s invite people to gather with us. It is a great space for people to see the love of God and see people responding to the love of God. It is a great place to hear the word of God proclaimed as well. Let’s invite people!
  4. IF YOU KNOW JESUS, YOU KNOW ENOUGH We can be frozen by thinking we don’t know enough to be an evangelist. We might think we need a better apologetic strategy or need to go to seminary. The truth is, if we know Jesus, we have our story and our relationship with Jesus to point people to. Share your story and you can be an evangelist!
  5. LOVE GOD AND LOVE OTHERS Rest in this simple and great commandment. We love God so we want others to know the God we love. We love others, so we want them to be saved and to know the God we love!

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