Sunday, July 07, 2013

baptism in holy spirit

R.C. Sproul in What is Baptism?

... the idea of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is this: Every Christian receives not only the Spirit's work of regeneration, but also the Spirit's empowering for participation in the ministry of the gospel. That does not mean everyone is called to be a pastor, a preacher, or an evangelist, but every Christian has been set apart and empowered by the Holy Spirit, like those seventy elders of Israel. But whereas only some believers in the Old Testament received the empowerment of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, every believer in the New Testament receives it.


  1. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I downloaded his Kindle book free of charge. Thanks for the post. I have known RC since about 1971 and this is his standard teaching. He is a great teacher with good stories and biblical insights.

    On this topic, however, RC was ambivalent. He always said he was Reformed in theology and Pentecostal in HSI experience.

  2. Ha! Yes, I find that curious. Although no where close to him in terms of theological knowledge, I'd like to think I'm Reformed and Pentecostal in both theology and experience. I don't find them mutually exclusive ... that aside, I love his writings!

  3. There is a substantial difference between Reformed theology proper and the culture and ancillary doctrines that surround most local churches and broader denominations that hold to Reformed theology. I see at all problematic with holding to the doctrines of grace while rejecting the traditional ecclesiology of reformed groups.
