Tuesday, May 07, 2013

signs of a bad leader

Scott Williams post 11 signs of a bad leader ...

  1. they are not willing to fail.
  2. they only talk and never listen.
  3. they don’t develop and produce other leaders.
  4. they micro-manage; that’s management not leadership.
  5. they are insecure or threatened by someone that they lead.
  6. they are not willing to follow and learn from those that they lead.
  7. they are focused on pleasing people and what people think. Consumed with whether or not they look good to their superiors.
  8. they don’t genuinely care about the people they lead and have difficulty getting people to follow.
  9. they are willing to make the wrong decision, because of the fear of fall-out from making the right decision.
  10. they only dream about being like so and so, instead of being the best they can be.
  11. they don’t embrace the reality that the culture they create trumps all of the little vision talks and rah-rah cheers. Culture eats vision for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Bad leader? Boy, for 2013, that sounds more like typical leader.
