Saturday, April 06, 2013

the s-word

Doug Wilson posts about the s-word ... submission.
True submission to God’s Word isn’t merely about hearing and talking and reading and discussing (cp. James 1:22-25). Real love for God and God’s people is about doing, not talking (1 Jn. 3:18).
It should be seen:

  • in our fellowship and interactions with fellow believers (Phil. 2:3-4)
  • in our home and family live -- wives to husbands, children to parents (Eph. 5:22; 6:1)
  • in relation to pastoral leadership (Heb. 13:17)
  • in relation to governing authorities (Rom. 13:1ff.)
  • and in our work lives (Col. 3:22-25; 1 Pet. 2:18-10)
Read the rest here.

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