Wednesday, April 17, 2013

on the decline

I found the following article a few days ago and have begun reading it. I think it is a worthy read. . The title is The Decline of Christianity in the West? A Contrarian Viewand it is by Grove City College Prof, T. David Gordon.

Here is an excerpt:

"What I would like to suggest in this brief essay is that there is a difference, indeed a profound difference, between the decline of Christianity itself and the decline of culture religion; and further, that it is quite possible, if not altogether likely, that the decline of culture religion will ordinarily correlate with the progress of Christianity, not its regress."


"If we believe we need Christian presidents, legislators, and judges in order for our faith to advance, then we ourselves no longer believe in Christianity, and it has declined. Christianity does not rise or fall on the basis of governmental activity; it rises or falls on the basis of true ecclesiastical activity. What Christianity needs is competent ministers, not Christian judges, legislators, or executive officers."

~ Dr. Gordon's website is here.

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