Wednesday, March 27, 2013

welcome bell

Matt Dabbs writes a fair minded review of Rob Bell's new book What We Talk About When We Talk About God by Rob Bell. His view contrasts with my earlier re-post of a review by Timothy Tennent. I haven't fully digested Dabbs' post but I like the following section a lot.
I am afraid that preconceived ideas and the new media of Bell saying he is for gay marriage is muddying the waters on how good this book really is if you just picked it up and read it, not knowing who Rob Bell is…just for what it actually says about us and about God and about how we talk about God.
Great point! We need to be wary when reading someone with a bad track record. At the same time, we know that past performance does not necessarily predict the future. It's too easy to allow our opinion of an author to taint our reading and judge what he's trying to say about point A in light of what we think of his views on point B & C.

Thanks Mr. Dabbs for the healthy reminder. And while I may or may not agree with your take on Bell, I certainly appreciate your integrity, honesty, and spirit.

Read Dabbs' full post here.


  1. We need to be wary when reading someone with a *good* track record, too. ;-)

  2. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Thanks Rick!
