Sunday, March 17, 2013


Eric Bargerhuff  writes in The Most Misused Verses in the Bible regarding Lk 4.9-11:

What’s interesting here is that Satan not only knows and uses the Word of God, but this time (unlike in the garden), he chooses to quote it correctly. In other words, it is not a misquote or an incorrect citation of the verse, but it is a misuse of it.


  1. One man's "misused verse" is another man's "solid, biblical theology." Soon, it all descends into finger pointing and hatred. Really, is this what Jesus intended for His Church? If not, then what are we doing to overcome the divisions?

    I'm all for inerrancy and proper usage, but we're still arguing those points after a couple thousand years and we're only hurting our mission and presence in the world.

  2. Let me rephrase the above a little. "The points" in question are not about inerrancy and proper usage (both of which I support), but the back and forth problem of one group saying this verse means this while another says it means that. The problem lies here, and we are not resolving the problem.
