Tuesday, December 04, 2012

it's ok to be angry

Forgiveness is a topic the world gets blatantly wrong. Sadly the Church too frequently fails to shed good light on the matter. I've posted a number of times (typically referencing Chris Brauns or his excellent book, Unpacking Forgiveness) here, here, here, here, here, and here.

A different but related topic is anger. Too many teach Ephesians 4.25 as teaching that we shouldn't go to bed angry. Wiser teachers will then try to say something to the effect of "well not really go to bed, it means we shouldn't stay angry." And so on. Then we have those who teach exegetically who will like this with the following chapter in Ephesians and tell couples that when they fight they should ensure the forgive each other before going to bed. And so on goes the parade of error ...

The following is an excellent teaching by Tim Keller. He, as do I, suggests there is such a thing as right anger and the phrase "don't let the sun go down" really means we should continue in that type of anger - the opposite of what the popular teaching.

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Having an attitude of compassionate forgiveness is more than just an external standard we are meant to live up to, but is the organic fruit of a heart that has been melted by receiving the forgiveness of Christ.

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