Tuesday, October 30, 2012

sinners speak

My friends, we are in exile. We are citizens of a great and mighty Kingdom living among those whom we were formerly like - i.e., citizens of the Kingdom of Darkness. Some of them will be redeemed. But be aware, we are not of this world.

I recently read Genesis 19 and verse 9 stood out to me:

But they [the residents of Sodom] said, “Stand back!” And they said, “This fellow came to sojourn, and he has become the judge!

Wow! And we still hear that today, don't we? Epecially from proponents of the GLBT agenda. The acknowledgement that we are strangers in a strange land followed by the accusation of who are we to judge. Sound familiar?

Do not yield. God in Heaven is our King and we must not bow down to the current weltgeist.

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