Friday, October 12, 2012

christian mistakes

Matt Dabbs proffers 10 Big Mistakes in Christianity Today ...

  1. Breeding consumers
  2. Pushing edginess even to the compromise of doctrine
  3. Fostering a celebrity culture among popular preachers
  4. Pushing for social justice while not recognizing the urgency of reaching lost people (used to be the other way around. We need both)
  5. Using systematic theology to trump good exegesis.
  6. Creating great information delivery systems with no visible/obvious ways to put that information into practice outside of infrequent, large-scale events
  7. Making the simple Gospel overly complicated and foggy.
  8. Relying on big events, elaborate worship, and professionally delivered sermons to transform people.
  9. Always wanting something new rather than seeking for something old
  10. Too much talk, not enough action (5 ways of studying the Bible each week but no outreach is happening) when that approach is not what Jesus modeled for us.

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