Monday, September 24, 2012

life questions

50 questions to ask yourself and allow others to ask you:
  1. Do I have a vision for my life?
  2. Do I have a vision for the work I'm involved in?
  3. Do I enjoy what I do?
  4. Do I feel His pleasure in what I'm doing?
  5. Do I still have a passion?
  6. Do I pursue intimacy with Jesus?
  7. Do I make enough space for prayer?
  8. Do I study the Bible for me?
  9. Did the Bible live for me today?
  10. Am I seeking evidence of God's power in my life/ministry?
  11. Is Jesus real to me?
  12. Do I live out what I teach?
  13. Am I teachable and accountable?
  14. Am I available and approachable?
  15. Do I listen well?
  16. Do I make myself vulnerable to others?
  17. Am I leading with a servant heart?
  18. Can I be trusted?
  19. Do I keep my promises?
  20. Do I keep my perspectives?
  21. How do I handle pressure? (from people, work, or circumstances)
  22. How is my health?
  23. Am I eating well?
  24. Am I sleeping well?
  25. Is my family happy?
  26. How are my friendships?
  27. Do I have healthy relationships with those I serve: my peers, my leaders and with the opposite sex?
  28. What do I do when I'm hungry/angry/lonely/tired?
  29. Am I a slave to work, friendships, hobbies or habits?
  30. Am I taking enough rest?
  31. Do I manage my time well?
  32. How do I spend my spare time?
  33. Do I keep a healthy balance between church, work and home life?
  34. Am I making/maintaining relationships with non-Christians?
  35. Do I walk in grace and forgiveness or do I judge people?
  36. Is there anybody whom I fear, dislike, disown, criticize, hold resentment toward or disregard? If so, what am I doing about it?
  37. Am I defeated in any part of my life, jealous, impure, critical, irritable, touchy or distrustful?
  38. Do I manage my money well?
  39. Do I give generously?
  40. Do I envy other people's opportunities/lives?
  41. Do I grumble or complain constantly?
  42. Am I leading to promote myself, or to serve God and people?
  43. Am I walking with integrity?
  44. Am I decisive and confident?
  45. Am I willing to take risks?
  46. Am I making goals and reaching them?
  47. Am I willing to make sacrifices?
  48. Is the work I'm involved in growing?
  49. Am I keeping my cutting edge?
  50. Am I moving in the power of the Spirit?

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