Thursday, September 06, 2012

all sin not the same

Referring to James 2.10-11, Melinda Penner rightly notes that "James doesn't conflate the two sins he mentions as the same. He does say that once we commit one sin, we've broken the law. We're a sinner. It doesn't matter which one, it's sin. We don't have to claim that all sins are equally bad to make the point the Bible does that we're all sinners because we've sinned, each and every one of us.

Our sins aren't the same, some are worse than others. But we are all in the same position: sinners in need of God's mercy and grace through Jesus. None of us can stand on our own righteousness before God or others, only the righteousness given by Jesus."

Outside of Christ we are equally sinners; in Christ we are equally righteous (Ro 3.21-26).

Greg Koukl writes more here and I have some past posts here and here.

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