Sunday, September 23, 2012

21 principles

Twenty-one principles for the small group leader ...
  1. share life through conversational prayer and application of the Bible
  2. participation is key
  3. begin and close with conversational prayer
  4. respond lovingly to a need - immediately
  5. the Bible is the authority and guidebook
  6. encourage everyone in the group
  7. don’t allow doctrinal discussion that is divisive or argumentative
  8. practice mutual edification
  9. lead in love
  10. follow-up between meetings
  11. new members will keep the group alive and growing
  12. handle problem people away from the group 1:1
  13. don’t allow people to confess anyone else’s faults but their own
  14. don’t allow anyone to do all of the talking
  15. be tuned up spiritually
  16. keep learning - don’t have all of the answers
  17. hang loose and maintain a relaxed spirit in the group
  18. have a good sense of humor
  19. when you have a need, ask the group for help
  20. when you have problems or need help, go to your leader
  21. it’s Christ who does the leading - not us

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