Friday, July 20, 2012

why was it right

I know, it seems like I'm having a John Piper love-fest today - I am not. But the usual suspects in addition to railing against the Gospel and all that God has created to demonstrate the beauty thereof, are also railing against God's sovereignty.

The world is seeking answers - it has none. We need to show up with answers that magnify the glory of God. Here John Piper addresses the question of "Why was it right for God to slaughter women and children in the Old Testament? How can that ever be right?"

Here's Piper - he is spot on. And I really love his summary from the edited transcript:
So God has his times and seasons for when he shares his authority to take and give life. And the church today is not Israel, and we are not a political entity. Therefore the word we have from the Lord today is, "Love your enemy. Pray for those who abuse you. Lay your life down for the world. Don't kill in order to spread the gospel, but die to spread it."
As you listen, think Job 14.5; Psa 31.15; 104.27-30; 139.14-17; Isa 46.10 ...

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