Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Matt Chandler in The Explicit Gospel:

The miracles of Jesus are signs of the right order of things. Jesus was not so much turning things upside down as turning them rightside up or, at least, giving his followers glimpses of the rightside up. The miracles of healing, deliverance, provision, and resurrection all reveal that God, through Jesus, is making all things new, that he is restoring what once was unbroken.

I agree - I'm amazed at the drive by some to deny the continuation of signs & wonders. And I'm amazed at the drive by others to claim possession of a given gift. I think Chandler hits closer to the truth. The already, not yet. The Kingdom of God is expressed here on earth as we, His Ambassadors, represent Him. And in that, He provides glimpses of the nature of His Kingdom which is the redemption of what was once lost.

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