Monday, June 04, 2012

theology talks

Joe Thorn in Note to Self on Theology Talks:

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 1 PETER 2:9

Dear Self,

Your theology is not merely for your own personal interest or benefit. You do know what theology actually is, right? Theology literally means “words about God” or “God talk.” Think about it this way. Theology is not meant merely to be known, but to be made known. This means the theology you have developed is not finished until it is articulated and spoken for others to hear. God has spoken in his Word. He has revealed himself there so that you could both know him and make him known. Theology talks.

You need to consider this: your theology—as tight as you think it is—is underdeveloped if you are not speaking it, sharing it. On a practical level this means you should be sharing the gospel with those God has sent you to. And for the record, the gospel itself is the climax of all theology. There is nothing deeper, more powerful, or more relevant to make known. If you are more excited about any facet of the truth of God other than the gospel, you have issues that need to be addressed. Yet, it is true that all theology is meant to be shared. The knowledge of God in all its detail is relevant to life, and we are either making the connection or neglecting the truth of God. As you consider yourself a theologian, be sure that you are not mute, or you have stopped short of becoming the theologian God delights in.

This does not require you to grab a bullhorn and soapbox and hit the street corner, but it does demand that you take the always bold and sometimes prophetic step of speaking to the people around you. At the very least you should look for opportunities to share what you are learning of God and his gospel so that it bears fruit in the lives of others. Do you find hope in his forgiveness? Strength from his Spirit and Word? Safety in his sovereign care and purposes? Comfort in his presence? How can you hold these things in? You are created in Christ Jesus to be known as one who proclaims his excellencies. Your theology must talk—first to yourself and then to others.

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