Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I love this from Michael Gatlin in this issue of Cutting Edge ...
So I thought, "Which part of me is the secular part, and which part of me is sacred?" The truth is, I'm a fully redeemed child of God. Yet I'm living in a very secular world. So everything I do in that secular world then becomes an act of worship to the one true God. I want every part of me to be living that out.
But, sadly I have to say I do not share Rich Nathan's optimistic assessment of the Vineyard. The article states:
Bert "assumed the mantle of leadership at a time of significant crisis" when "many people predicted the death of the Vineyard." Ten years later, Rich believes that the Vineyard is "perceived to be theologically centrist, back on track with a full message of the Kingdom of God" and "poised to relevantly engage our world with the message and ministry of Jesus." In almost every way, the Vineyard movement is larger and healthier than it was ten years ago...

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