Sunday, January 15, 2012

the law

Joe Thorn in Note to Self; "God’s revealed will and standard of righteousness … Essentially, the law shows us three things: it shows us what’s right, what’s wrong, and what’s needed."

On what is right, Thorn proffers:

He has not left us with unclear generalities about loving God and neighbor, but he has told us what he wants from us with great specificity. God commands us to care for the poor, the fatherless, and the widow. He calls his people to give generously, and to be kind and hospitable to the sojourner among them. He tells husbands how to love their wives, wives how to honor their husbands, children how to honor their parents, and parents how to raise their children. God’s law tells us what sin is, and that we must reject it and pursue the righteousness reflected in his commands. The law shows us what is right.

This is grace, that God has given us his clear and understandable Word.

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