Monday, December 05, 2011

2011 daniel of the year

Every year World Magazine selects a Daniel of the Year. This year they chose Alan Chambers, president of Exodus International. I think they did well to chose him. Read the full article here.
... there's something that angers Chambers' opponents as much as his belief that homosexuality is wrong: His message that homosexuals can change. That's not a new teaching in evangelical Christianity, but it might be one of the most radically unpopular messages in America today.
And sadly, many professed Christians are missing that message. It's especially sad because it indicates their failure to grasp God's power and His grace.

I also love the goal of this wonderful ministry:
So what is the goal? What does change mean? Gay activists regularly accuse Chambers of promoting a "cure" for homosexuality. Chambers offers an emphatic response: "What's our mission? It's not to fix people. It's to point them to Jesus. He's the one who changes people's hearts and lives." Indeed, Chambers often repeats what he wrote in his 2009 book Leaving Homosexuality: "The opposite of homosexuality isn't heterosexuality. It's holiness."

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