Friday, October 14, 2011

missional evaluation

Len Hjalmarson at NextReformation posts an evaluation of the missional movement. In this he proffers two metrics to to make the assessment:

  • success in mobilizing believers into a life of mission
  • growth in depth of faith, character, knowledge of God, obedience, and richness in shared life

I accept both.

He then makes the keen observation that sadly we often separate these. We either grow inward with discipleship programs providing little more the head knowledge or outward but lacking in "nurture for those who are working all day in the hot sun".

Len writes:
The rhythm of life in Christ is inward in community, and outward in mission. We live this rhythm because we are the Body of Christ, the expression of God’s life in the world. And God is an eternal community of love, overflowing into mission (the sending of Jesus and then of the Spirit).
The picture that works well for me is the bicycle. Being formed spiritually and living the Christ life always involves two dimensions: discipleship (formation in community) and mission (formation in following). Mission is the back wheel – the back wheel generates traction. It is on mission that we are challenged to really LIFE the Christ life, and we learn new questions about our world and about God. Mission helps us keep it real and keep the edges sharp.
Discipleship is the front wheel – the front wheel provides direction and reminds us of the goal out beyond the horizon — the image of Christ and his coming kingdom. As we gather for worship, prayer and to hear the Word, we are reshaped in our identity and being, restored and healed, and then we go out again to give away what we have taken in.
The wheels have to keep moving, or the bicycle falls down. The traction is provided by mission. We can’t reverse the wheels. You won’t get traction on discipleship, you will spin the wheels. Discipleship provides telos – direction – memory of the end goal. If we try to get traction with the end goal we become driven, activists.
But working together, we can really go places!

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