Sunday, October 30, 2011

the death of death

The God of forever, who created people to live with him forever, set in motion a plan to deal with death, the one thing smack-dab in the way of forver. To the one who is the Author of life, death is unacceptable. For death to be alive and well is not all right. For every human being to face and fear death is not okay. Nor is it acceptable for the spiritual death of separation from God and the physical death that ends every person’e life to dominate the human story. This enemy of forever, this horrible intrusion, this painful interruption, must be defeated. Somehow death must be defeated. Death must die because it stands in the way of the forever we were created to enjoy. But there is nothing we can do about it. The story of the Bible is the story of God’s doing the one thing we don’t have the ability to do: kill death.


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