Sunday, August 14, 2011

who is innocent

As God reveals himself in creation we must keep in mind that our problem is not that we fail to grasp this revelation. His manifestation does in fact pierce our minds. Our issue is that we know God and still do not honor him as God or give thanks to him (Ro 1.21a). We, in our fallen state, continually suppress and distort until we exchange the truth for a lie (Ro 1.21-32). Universally, we are guilty!

So what about the innocent in the wilderness who have never heard the gospel? What happens to them? Nothing. Innocent people do not need the gospel. Jesus didn't come for them anyway (Lk 5.32). And how many of these innocents are there? Well ... none (Ro 3.10-18).

It saddens me to find professing christians claiming we are saved because of our fortune to be born in the time and place we were. And then using that as a launchpad to explain away the sin of these "innocents" and look for salvation within their cultures/religions. Yes we are fortunate. But our salvation (or rebellion) is not as they perceive. Our understanding should not serve to soften our attitude toward the sinful state of other - it should compel us to want to shout to a world already under the curse of God's wrath the compelling truth of His grace and the good news that Jesus, our Redeemer, has come to set us free!

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