Monday, August 08, 2011

sadly you are not alone

It continues to sadden and anger me to find professing christians sharing videos such as the one below. As I watched I was filled with compassion and empathy toward this young woman. And hope; I was anxious to hear how in the midst of her pain she found comfort and healing in the arms of our Savior. But I was disappointed. Instead, she found happiness in sin. Worse, her offer to others in the same sin is that they are not alone. This is a reflection of a perverse generation.

The hope offered to this person is temporal and ultimately leads to more pain and sorrow. She is being encouraged to find life outside of the image in which she has been created - it can only lead to ultimate despair and destruction. Her happiness is a facade that will one day come crashing down. It pales in comparison to the joy she could find in Christ.

Jesus can set her free and in Him she can find healing, restoration, and life. I pray Jesus, the giver of life, would grip her heart and set her free. I pray those promoting this perversion would repent and publicly proclaim their repentance so that those deceived by this emotional trickery would perhaps hear the truth.



  1. Anonymous8:24 AM

    We can trust Jesus to draw her to himself. Cant' we? Her story is not over. Pray for her. There is truth woven in her script. God's capable of moving from the background to the forefront of her life.

  2. Absolutely ... and at the same time professing believers should stop offering a sinful lifestyle shared by others as some form of hope.

  3. Anonymous - now you betray yourself. We agree with all of the "stops". But wait - what do you mean we should not be the judge of good and evil. Yes we must do so in order to avoid it. You take a non-Biblical position. And more important, what does that have to do with the main point which was these professing christians offered hope in a place of sin rather than freedom in Christ.

    So now I have to question your motives. You started well with we need to trust Jesus will draw her. Yes. But you are ending poorly. Are you suggesting that our role in trusting Jesus to draw her is to condone her sin and tell her to be ok that there are others like that? Because that's what it now sounds like.

  4. Anonymous - you are speaking of praying for this women. I'm not sure why - we agreed that God could work in her in the first exchange of comments. In fact, I wrote that in the original post.

    At that point I noted that the real issue was those professing christians that thought it great that she found happiness in homosexuality and that she and others should take courage that they are not alone.

    That's where you launched into the judgement angle. I have no idea where you are coming from or where you are going but you're jumping around because now you are back to saying pray for the women.

    You might rewind a bit and reread what I posted.

  5. You're ranting now. I invite you to reread the original post. You are only repeating what I said.

    If you go back to that and make reasonable comments, I'll allow, otherwise please expect that future comments will be deleted.
