Tuesday, August 02, 2011

erasing hell

No I haven't read the book! Well, not Erasing Hell, the book by Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle in response to Rob Bell’s sub-Biblical Love Wins (which I have read ... well as much as I could stand anyway).

Anyway, in his review of Erasing Hell, Trevin Wax writes:
The problem with the responses to Love Wins is that, while we are experts at critiquing Bell’s vision of God, we aren’t stepping up with a more compelling portrait of God’s magnificence. We are scribbling down our thoughts under Bell’s chalk drawing instead of taking up the paint brush and creating something that reflects the beauty of biblical truth.
This is a powerful and unfortunately true statement.

It's worth reading Wax's post.

On Love Wins he writes, "Bell’s book is troublesome, not because it is a thoughtful representation of the optimistic inclusivist position. ... It’s troublesome because it is seeking to make inclusivism beautiful. Bell succeeds at “dressing up” falsehood."

1 comment:

  1. My opinion is that Bell's concept is troubling because it is not from the Bible nor is it from the Holy Spirit as the Holy Spirit does not impart doctrine - that is the purpose of the Word. Thus the question: from whence did this idea come?
