Thursday, July 14, 2011

worshippers deserve good theology

From Gary Parrett's 9.5 Theses on Worship, thesis 4; Those who lead the congregation in song must be theologically equipped for this important task.
Many in our churches have their theology formed principally by our hymnody. When we recognize young men and women in our congregations as gifted in the areas of musical composition, performance, or leading, we should encourage them to pursue theological training and support them to do so. This may mean sending them off to seminary, Bible college, or some other venue.
Others, for whom such training seems inaccessible, should be mentored by those in the congregation who are more biblically literate and mature. Pastors must not relinquish "worship leading" to a theologically unequipped person simply because that one is musically gifted. Song selection and composition can be conducted in partnership with those who are, or ought to be, teachers in the flock.
And with that, interestingly Dan Kimball asks if the church accountant should be called the 'worship pastor'?

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