Sunday, July 17, 2011

knowing christ

We desire to know Christ fully.

"Let us take care that we know for ourselves in what light we ought chiefly to regard Christ. It is right and good to reverence Him as very God. It is well to know Him as Head over all things–the mighty Prophet–the Judge of all–the King of kings. But we must not rest here, if we hope to be saved. We must know Jesus as the Friend of the poor in spirit, the Physician of the diseased heart, and the Deliverer of the soul in bondage. These are the principal offices He came on earth to fulfill. It is in this light we must learn to know Him, and to know Him by inward experience, as well as by the hearing of the ear. Without such knowledge we shall die in our sins." ~ J.C. Ryle, Expository Thoughts on the Gospels: Luke volume 1


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