Sunday, July 31, 2011

facebook and ignorance

I love/hate Facebook. While the whole of the internet can be a place for people to freely (nearly) share wisdom and ignorance, Facebook is a bit of a caricature for the ignorance aspect.

Today I read read from a Postmodern Innovator. I think these folks are for the most part unregenerate and as such, lack among several things, simple logic and truth. Here's yesterday's brilliance:
If a church doesn't accept women in leadership it would be a very unreasonable expectation to expect them to accept homosexuals.
This individual uses purposeful deception. First he would like us to think this position is not held for Biblical reasons but for cultural bias - more so, hatred and bigotry. He doest acknowledge the Biblical base or that these stem from very different issues. He simply plays to the emotions of his audience.

Second he is mixing gender role questions with sin. Again, he plays to emotions. He'd like the reader to think those that believe homosexuality is sin also see women as something less than a man. He knows full well that those holding these positions see men and women as equal but as having different roles and he knows that we see identifying as a homosexual is less than Kingdom living.

And finally, he confuses verbs. He purposefully plays to emotions with the word accept. In the case of male/female gender roles, it's not that women aren't accepted, it's that there are rules regarding roles. In the case of homosexuality, this is a sin issue. No sin is accepted. That does not equate to love for individuals. In fact, those in this position understand the helping of another to be free from sin to be much more loving than the those condoning it. But this of course is not what interests the Postmodern Innovator. This person is like a politician tossing around sound bites. He wants the reader to equate church governance and hatred of sin as unaccepting even while he himself has a family with rules, is part of a community with rules, and so on. Is he unaccepting of those he loves if he imposes any requirements or expectations or offers any help to change? Of course not, but when playing to emotion, it doesn't matter.

And as with most Postmodern Innovator thinking, there's always the faithful willing to pile on. The original status is followed by further genius:
It's not sin. God created homosexuals.
Ok ... so nothing is a sin because God created everyone. And here you have the quintessential Postmodern Innovator.

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