Friday, June 24, 2011

justification v. sanctification

5867922186 551Bf8B8FdEd Stetzer writes:

The following list is taken from C.J. Mahaney's work, Living the Cross Centered Life (pages 118-119). Mahaney's comparisons offer a helpful way to look at the two doctrines.
  • Justification is being declared righteous. Sanctification is being made righteous - being conformed to the image of Jesus.
  • Justification is our position before God, a position that becomes permanently ours at the time of our conversion. Sanctification is our practice that continues throughout our life on earth.
  • Justification is immediate and complete upon conversion. You'll never be more justified that you are the first moment you trust in the Person and finished work of Christ.
  • Sanctification is a progressive process. You'll be more sanctified as you continue in grace motivated obedience.
  • Justification is objective - Christ's work for us. Sanctification is subjective - Christ's work within us.

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