Saturday, June 04, 2011

clobber verses

5797161814 6E92D9A6C5 T"The Bible’s condemnation of same-sex behaviors is comprehensive and clear. It is interwoven with the Bible’s message concerning God’s plan for humanity, marriage, and society — and the Gospel. Human flourishing is found only by living in obedience to God’s revealed plan. Our rebellion against the Creator is never so insidious as when we declare that our own plan is superior to his." ~ Albert Mohler, The Church and the ‘Clobber Scriptures’ — The Bible on Homosexuality

Mohler writes in response to the dismissal of Old Testament and rewriting of New Testament references to the sinfulness of homosexuality.

In regard to speaking of these texts as "clobber" verses, Mohler writes:
Without a knowledge of our sinfulness, we do not know of our need for a Savior. In this sense, we all need to be “clobbered” by the Bible so that we will know of our need for Christ.

God loved sinful humanity so much that he gave us the Bible — and the Law — in order that we might know with revealed specificity the truth about our own sinfulness. Then, we truly celebrate what it means that “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” [John 3:16]
Those challenging this continue to miss that truth, change, etc. are not inconsistent with Love. In fact, speaking truth and edifying toward godliness is the loving approach.

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