Monday, May 02, 2011

heaven, hell, and the fate of everyone who has ever lived

Where is Osama Bin Laden? Chris Brauns proffers three views and then recommends we turn to Scripture for the answer.
As I see it, here are the different views of where bin Laden is right now:

a) American cultural view: he is certainly (and happily for us) in hell because of his evil acts. This is the dominant view in America—I would be surprised if any American leader suggests that bin Laden is anywhere else but hell.

b) Evangelical view: he is probably (and tragically) in hell because—as far as we know—he never repented of his sins and received new life by trusting in Jesus.

c) Love Wins: he may already be in heaven. Bin Laden has always been a son of God, and when given the stark choice between going to hell or rejoicing at his Father’s party, he may have already chosen the latter. If not today, then maybe tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then whenever he finally wants it. God tends to get what he wants, and so bin Laden will probably give in eventually and go to heaven.

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